
Python Alphabet Rangoli HackerRank Solution


You are given an integer, N. Your task is to print an alphabet rangoli of size N. (Rangoli is a form of Indian folk art based on creation of patterns.)

Different sizes of alphabet rangoli are shown below:

#size 3


#size 5


#size 10


The center of the rangoli has the first alphabet letter a, and the boundary has the Nth alphabet letter (in alphabetical order).

Function Description

Complete the rangoli function in the editor below.

rangoli has the following parameters:

  • int size: the size of the rangoli


  • string: a single string made up of each of the lines of the rangoli separated by a newline character (\n)

Input Format

Only one line of input containing N, the size of the rangoli.


0 < N < 27

Sample Input


Sample Output



a = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
def print_rangoli(size):
    lines = []
    for row in range(size):
        print_ = "-".join(a[row:size])
        lines.append(print_[::-1] + print_[1:])
    width = len(lines[0])
    for row in range(size-1, 0, -1):
        print(lines[row].center(width, '-'))
    for row in range(size):
        print(lines[row].center(width, '-'))
    # your code goes here

if __name__ == '__main__':
    n = int(input())

Steps Used in solving the problem - 

Step 1: First we have created a string of all alphabets.
Step 2: then, we created a function. This function will take size as input.
Step 3: then, we created an empty list to store our output.
Step 4: Inside our function, we created a for loop. It will loop within the range of size.

Step 5: then, we have used a join function to add a hyphen between our string letters within the range of size.
Step 6: then, we declared a width variable.
Step 7: then, we created another for loop to print the lower part of the rangoli.
Step 8: and, we used another loop to print the upper part of the rangoli.