In this blog, we are going to find the most optimized solution for popular hacker rank question Word order. You are given n words. Some words may repeat. For each word, output its number of occurrences. The output order should correspond with the input order of appearance of the word. See the sample input/output for clarification. Note: Each input line ends with a "\n" character.
Steps Followed
- In the first line of code we have imported counter from collections.
- As the problem statement suggests we need to find the count of words. So for that, we have created a list of words.
- In the next step we convert that list to a unique list using the counter module in python.
- Next in the step we printed the count of unique words in the list using len method.
- Lastly we .values() method to find and print all the values of words inside res variable
# Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT
from collections import Counter
n = int(input())
l1 = [input().strip() for _ in range(n)]
res = Counter(l1)
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