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What is the difference between transaction insert…

Understanding the Difference between Transaction Insert Query and Normal Query

When it comes to …

How to find first day of every year from a datase…

Finding the First Day of Every Year from a Dataset with a Date Column in Pandas

To find the fi…

Years=[1994,1891,2010,1999,1700,1698,2004] code t…

for i in years:
   if(i%4==0 and i%100!=0 o…

ImportError: DLL load failed while importing _cex…

To solve this error you can use . This error came when i worked on matplotlib in python. This is th…

Program to swap variables in python

A program in Python that allows two variables to swap values.

def swap(x, y):

   temp = x

How to create pdf files using python

import pdfkit
pdfkit.from_url('', 'out.pdf')

Python interview questions on list with answers 2…

1. What is a list in Python?

2. How do you create a list in Python?

3. What are the different…

10 Python interview questions on generators with …

1. What is the yield keyword used for in Python?

The yield keyword is used to create generators …

Star pattern program in python

This program prints a star pattern in python. It is a simple program that takes input from the user…

How to connect python with sql server with code a…

There are a few ways to connect to a SQL Server database from Python. One way is to use the pyodbc …

Cross product of numpy array

The cross product of two arrays is defined as:

array([a1, a2, ..., an]) x array([b1, b2, ..., bn…

TypeError: bad operand type for unary -: 'str'

Edit 1: As requested, here is the rest of the code to the function.
with open(file_path, 'r&…

Write a program in python for , in a list 1-100 m…

for i in range(1,101):

   for j in range(i+1,101):

Write a program in python for,how to find all pai…

def findPairs(l, sum):

   for i in range(0, len(l)):
      for j in range(i + 1, len(l)):

How to find MIN between two columns in powerbi

There is no built-in function to find the minimum value between two columns in Power BI. However, y…