
Pagination in Django REST Framework

Pagination is an important aspect of building APIs, especially when dealing with large datasets. Django REST Framework provides built-in support for pagination, making it easier to handle large amounts of data.

In this tutorial, we will learn how to implement pagination in a Django REST Framework.

Introduction to Pagination

Pagination is the process of dividing a large set of data into smaller, more manageable chunks, called "pages." This allows users to retrieve data in manageable portions, improving the performance and user experience of our API.

DRF offers several built-in pagination styles, including:

  • PageNumberPagination: Paginates results using page numbers.

  • LimitOffsetPagination: Paginates results using a limit and offset.

  • CursorPagination: Provides pagination using cursor-based navigation.


from rest_framework.generics import ListAPIView
from .models import Students
from .serializers import StudentsSerializer
from rest_framework.pagination import PageNumberPagination

class ItemPagination(PageNumberPagination):
    page_size = 5
    page_size_query_param = 'page_size'
    max_page_size = 100

class StudentsListCreateView(ListAPIView):
    queryset = Students.objects.all()
    serializer_class = StudentsSerializer
    pagination_class = ItemPagination

The above code uses the ListAPIView class to retrieve a list of student objects from the database, using the StudentsSerializer for data serialization. Pagination is applied through a custom class, ItemPagination, which limits each page to 5 items.

We can customize pagination by modifying the pagination class properties. In the example above, we used page_size, page_size_query_param, and max_page_size to control how pagination behaves.

Now,let's check pagination is properly working or not.