
Conditional Statements

Conditionals are computer language statements that are used to handle decisions. Conditionals, in particular, carry out various computations.

If Statements

If Statements allows a certain block of code to be executed when a condition is True, the condition checks the boolean expresssion the condition results in either true or false (1 or 0).


if condition {
  //code to be executed


fn main() {
    let num = 75;

    if num > 50 {
        println!("Number Greater than 50")


if else Statements

When a if condition is true it executes a partiular block of code and if it is false then else statements piece of code executes.


if condition {
  //block of code
} else {
  // if condition is false then else statement runs


fn main() {
    let num = 12;

    if num > 50 {
        println!("Number Greater than 50")
    } else {
        println!("Number is not Greater than 50") //prints this line


Nested If else Statements

In Rust, By using else-if we can check and executes multiple block o code.


if condition {
  // block of code
} else if second-condition {
  //block of code
} else if third-condition {
  //block of code
} else {
  // block of code


fn main() {
    let a = 11;
    let b = 11;
    if a > b {

      println!("a is greater than b")

    } else if a == b {
      println!("a and b are equal") // prints this line
    } else {
      println!("b is greater than a")