
Installation and setup of TensorFlow and Jupiter Notebook

In this tutorial, we’ll learn about how to install and set up Tensorflow and Jupiter Notebook. 

Step 1: Visit and download the anaconda that's compatible with your operating system. In this tutorial, I’ll install and setup anaconda on windows.


Step 2: After downloading anaconda please install it. It takes some time to installation and,  after installation click on the windows icon and open all apps. Then click on the Anaconda prompt and open it.

Step 3: After Opening Anaconda Prompt you can install Tensorflow in CPU as well as GPU. In this tutorial I’m installing it in CPU using the command given below.

conda create -n “envname” tensorflow

Replace “environment-name” with the name you want to give to your new environment. This command creates a new environment and installs TensorFlow in it.


Step 4: After installing anaconda and Tensorflow don’t forget to activate your environment. You can use the given command to activate the environment.

conda activate “envname”


Step 5: Tensorflow is installed on our PC. now, we’ll install Jupiter Notebook for that open the Anaconda navigator and select the environment you have created and click on install.

Step 6: After installation launch the Jupiter notebook. Then click on new and create a python file. Now, we’ll check Tensorflow is working or not by checking its version. You can use the command used in image below.

Working Properly!!