
Python Favourite Number program Codechef solution

Python Favourite Number program Codechef solution


  • Alice likes numbers that are even and are a multiple of 7.
  • Bob likes numbers that are odd and are a multiple of 9.

Alice, Bob, and Charlie find the number A.

  • If Alice likes A, she takes home the number.
  • If Bob likes A, he takes home the number.
  • If both Alice and Bob don't like the number, Charlie takes it home.

Given A, find out who takes it home.

Note: You can prove that there is no integer A such that both Alice and Bob like it.

Input Format

  • The first line of input will contain a single integer T, denoting the number of test cases.
  • Each test case consists of a single integer, A.

Output Format

For each test case, output on a new line who takes the number home: "Alice", "Bob", or "Charlie".

You may print each character in uppercase or lowercase. For example, Alice, Alice, LiCe, and Alice are all considered identical.


  • 1≤T≤100
  • 1≤X<K≤1000

Sample Input:








Sample Output:










Testcase 1: 7 is not even, hence Alice doesn't like it. It is odd, but it isn't a multiple of 9. Hence, Bob doesn't like it. Therefore, Charlie takes it home.

Testcase 2: 14 is even and a multiple of 7. Therefore, Alice likes it and takes it home.

Testcase 3: 21 is not even, hence Alice doesn't like it. It is odd, but it isn't a multiple of 9. Hence, Bob doesn't like it. Therefore, Charlie takes it home.

Testcase 4: 18 is even but not a multiple of 7, hence Alice doesn't like it. It is not odd, and hence Bob doesn't like it. Therefore, Charlie takes it home.

Testcase 5: 27 is odd and a multiple of 9. Therefore, Bob likes it and takes it home.

Testcase 6: 63 is odd and a multiple of 9. Therefore, Bob likes it and takes it home.

Testcase 7: 126 is even and a multiple of 7. Therefore, Alice likes it and takes it home.

Testcase 8: 8 is even but not a multiple of 7, hence Alice doesn't like it. It is not odd, and hence Bob doesn't like it. Therefore, Charlie takes it home.


n=int(input(“Enter the number of terms: “))

for i in range(n):

    a=int(input(“Enter any number:  “))

    if a%2==0 and a%7==0:


    elif a%2==1 and a%9==0:




Steps to solve this problem:

  1. Ask the user to enter the number of terms and store it in the variable n.
  2. In the loop, ask the user to enter any number and store it in the variable a.
  3. Check if a%2 and a%7 are equal to 0, then print "Alice".
  4. Again, check if a%2 is equal to 1 and a%9 is equal to 0, then print "Bob".
  5. Otherwise, print "Charlie".