
Abstract Data Type

What is ADT?

  • An Abstract Data Type (ADT) is a collection of behaviors.

  • An abstract data type is a data type that is packaged with the data type's relevant operations.

  • Example: List ADT

    • insert(L, x): Adds an item, x, of type “BaseType” to the List L. Where to insert?

    • get(L, index): Return an element from the list L at any given position “index”.

    • remove(L): Remove the first occurrence of any element from a non-empty list.

    • removeAt(L, index): Remove the element at a specified location “index” from a non-empty list.

    • replace(L, index, y): Replace an element at any position “index” with another element y.

    • size(L): Return the number of elements in the list L.

    • isEmpty(L): Return true if the list L is empty, otherwise return false.

    • isFull(L): Return true if the list L is full, otherwise return false.

Difference between ADT and Data Structures?

  • An Abstract Data Type (ADT) represents a particular set of

  • whereas, a data structure is more concrete. Typically, it is a technique
    or strategy for implementing an ADT.

  • Examples of ADTs are Stack, queue, priority queue, dictionary, lists, set, etc.

  • data structures used to implement those ADTS:
    – array, linked list, a hash table (open, closed, etc.)
    – trees (binary search trees, heaps, AVL trees, 2-3 trees, B-trees,

Characteristics of Abstract Data Types:

  • Data: ADTs define the type of data they store. For example, an ADT might define a data type called "Stack" that stores elements.

  • Operations: ADTs specify a set of operations or methods that can be performed on the data. These operations define how you interact with the data. Common operations include "insert," "delete," "search," and "retrieve."

  • Encapsulation: ADTs encapsulate the data and operations within a single unit. This encapsulation hides the internal details and exposes only the necessary interfaces to the user.

  • Information Hiding: ADTs hide the implementation details from the user, allowing the data structure to be changed or optimized without affecting the code that uses it.