
Big O Notation

In our previous tutorial, we discussed asymptotic notations. In everyday language, there's a proverb that advises us to 'always prepare for the worst.' Similarly, when we work with operations or algorithms, it's crucial to be prepared for the worst-case scenario.

As we learned in our previous tutorial, Big O notation is a method used to calculate the worst-case time complexity of algorithms. In this tutorial, we will delve into what Big O notation entails, why it holds significant importance, and explore various intricate details.

What is Big O Notation?

  • Big O notation, is a mathematical notation used to describe the asymptotic behavior of algorithms.

  • It provides a way to quantify the relationship between the input size (n) and the running time or space complexity of an algorithm.

  • In simpler terms, Big O notation helps us answer questions like:

    • How does the runtime of an algorithm grow as the input size increases?

    • How efficient is an algorithm in the worst-case scenario?

Why is Big O Notation Important?

Big O notation is essential for various reasons:

  • Algorithm Comparison: It allows us to compare algorithms and determine which one is more efficient in terms of time or space complexity.

  • Predicting Performance: It helps us estimate how an algorithm will perform as the input size grows without the need for precise measurements.

  • Design and Optimization: It guides algorithm design and optimization efforts by identifying areas for improvement.

  • Communication: It provides a common language for discussing algorithm efficiency.

Analyzing Algorithms with Big O Notation

Here are some common time complexity classes represented in Big O notation, ordered from best to worst:

  • O(1) (Constant Time): The algorithm's runtime is independent of the input size.

  • O(log n) (Logarithmic Time): The runtime grows slowly as the input size increases.

  • O(n) (Linear Time): The runtime scales linearly with the input size.

  • O(n log n) (Linearithmic Time): Slightly worse than linear but better than quadratic.

  • O(n^2) (Quadratic Time): The runtime is proportional to the square of the input size.

  • O(2^n) - (Exponential Time): The runtime grows rapidly with the input size.

Common Time Complexities:





 Constant Time

 Accessing an array element by index.

 O(Log n)

 Logarithmic Time

 Binary search in a sorted array.


 Linear Time

 Linear search in an unsorted array.

 O(n Log n)

 Linearithmic Time

 Merge sort, quicksort (average case).


 Quadratic Time

 Bubble sort, selection sort.


 Exponential Time

 Brute-force algorithms.