
Conditional Statements

If else Statements

  • These are the decision-making statements just like in any other programming language.
  • The IF statement is a decision-making statement that directs a program's decision depending on a set of rules.
  • First, the if condition checks if it passes, then the code in the if blocks runs otherwise the code in the else block runs.
Example to define an if-else Statement

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
  heistReady := false

  if heistReady {
     fmt.Println("Let's go!)

  } else {

     fmt.Println("Act normal")



//Prints Act normal

else if Statements

  • else if statements are used to check for multiple conditions.
  • Else and else if statements cannot run without if statement.
func main() {

  amountStolen := 64650

  if amountStolen > 1000000 {

     fmt.Println("We've hit the jackpot!")
  } else if amountStolen >= 5000 {

     fmt.Println("Think of all the candy we can buy!")

  } else {

    fmt.Println("Why did we even do this?")


Comparison Operator

  • So far, we've only checked on boolean values. We can, however, use comparison operators to examine more than one value. Here are two often-used comparison operators.

== (Is equal to)

!= (Is not equal to)

<  (Less than)

>  (Greater than)

<= (Less than or equal to)

>= (Greater than or equal to)

func main() {

  lockCombo := "2-35-19"

  robAttempt := "2-35-19"

  if lockCombo == robAttempt {

     fmt.Println("The vault is now opened.") //prints this line

Logical Operator

  • This helps us to check multiple conditions at the same time regardless of comparison operator which only one condition at a time.

&&    And operation

||       Or operation

!        Not

func main() {

  rightTime := true

  rightPlace := true

  if rightTime && rightPlace {

     fmt.Println("We're outta here!") //prints This line

  } else {

    fmt.Println("Be patient...")


  enoughRobbers := false

  enoughBags := true

  if enoughRobbers  || enoughBags {

    fmt.Println("Grab everything") //prints this line

  } else {

    fmt.Println("Grab whatever you can!")


Switch Statement

  • A switch statement is a form of  control mechanism that allows the value of a variable to change the control flow of programme.
  • In else if statements we have to write so many else if conditions to check a particular condition.
  • To overcome the problem of rewriting so many else if conditions, switch statements were introduced to check so many conditions.
func main() {

  clothingChoice := "sweater"

  switch clothingChoice {

  case "shirt":
    fmt.Println("We have shirts in S and M only.")

  case "polos":

    fmt.Println("We have polos in M, L and Xl")

  case "sweater":

    fmt.Println("We have sweaters in S, M, L and XL") //prints this line


    fmt.Println("Sorry, we don't carry that")


Short Declaration statements

  • Go also provides a way to declare short variables inside a conditional statement before we provide any condition.

Syntax is as follows

x := 8
y := 9

if product := x * y; product > 60 {

  fmt.Println(product, " is greater than 60") //prints 72 is greater than 60
