
Error Handling in Golang

  • Error handling is a crucial aspect of writing good and reliable code.

  • In Golang programming language, error handling is done using a simple and effective approach that encourages explicit error checking and propagation.

  • In this tutorial, we will cover various aspects of error handling in Go, including how to create, handle, and propagate errors.

Error handling in Golang:

  • In Golang, errors act like messages that tell us when something goes wrong.

  • These messages are just simple notes that our program gives us. When we're working with Golang, we can easily check if a task encountered an error by looking at these notes.

  • If we see an error note, we can decide what to do next, like trying a different approach or informing the user.

  • The basic structure of error handling involves checking if a function call returned an error and taking appropriate action.

Returning Errors from Functions:

When a function can return an error, it's a good practice to include an error return value as the last return value. The errors package is commonly used to create error instances.


package main

import (

func divide(a, b float64) (float64, error) {
	if b == 0 {
		return 0, errors.New("division by zero")
	return a / b, nil

func main() {
	result, err := divide(10, 0)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Error:", err)
	fmt.Println("Result:", result)


Error: division by zero


Creating Custom Errors:

We can create custom error types by implementing the error interface.


package main

import (

type CustomError struct {
	Code    int
	Message string

func (e CustomError) Error() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("Error %d: %s", e.Code, e.Message)

func process(data int) (string, error) {
	if data < 0 {
		return "", CustomError{Code: 100, Message: "Negative value not allowed"}
	return fmt.Sprintf("Processed: %d", data), nil

func main() {
	result, err := process(-5)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Error:", err)


Error: Error 100: Negative value not allowed


Defer Statement:

The defer statement can be used to ensure that a function call is performed at the end of a function's scope, making it useful for cleanup and closing resources.


package main

import (

func main() {
	file, err := os.Open("nonexistent.txt")
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Error:", err)
	defer file.Close()



Error: open nonexistent.txt: no such file or directory


Panic and Recover:

In exceptional cases, we might want to halt the program with a panic. The recover function is used to catch and handle panics, allowing the program to continue execution.


package main

import (

func process() {
	defer func() {
		if r := recover(); r != nil {
			fmt.Println("Recovered:", r)
	panic("Something went wrong!")

func main() {
	fmt.Println("Program continues....")


Recovered: Something went wrong!
Program continues....

Remember that proper error handling improves the reliability and maintainability of our Golang programs.