
Django ORM and Models

Django ORM

ORM stands for Object Relational Mapper. Django ORM makes a relation between the Django model and the database. Django ORM is the best tool to do database-related work. With the help of ORM, we can easily make modifications to our database using the Django terminal.

Django QuerySets

We have to use Queries to interact with our data saved in a database. Similarly, Django has QuerySets to retrieve data from the database. A QuerySet is the list of objects of our Django model. Using QuerySet we can arrange, filter, and read data from the database.

Django Shell

Django shell is Django’s interactive console. You can also use python commands in this shell. Use the following command to open your shell.

Codersdaily\project1> python shell


Now, an interactive console gets open for you.

Importing Models

To work with our models in the database first we have to import our models. Use the following expression to import our models.

from demo.models import Contact

Now all of our models are imported.


Displaying Models

Use the following command to display all of your model data.

<QuerySet [<Contact: rohit>, <Contact: rohit>, <Contact: Rohit Sharma>, <Contact: >, <Contact: >, <Contact: >, <Contact: >]>>>> 

Here, we got the list of all objects that were created by me through our contact form. But, we want to add new data with the help of Django ORM. we will do this in the next tutorial.