
How to Check if Two Words are Anagrams in Python

To check if a word is an anagram in Python, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Take input of two words from the user.

Step 2: Convert both words to lowercase and remove any spaces or punctuation.

Step 3: Sort the characters in both words alphabetically.

Step 4: Compare the sorted words. If they are equal, the words are anagrams.

Step 5: If the sorted words are not equal, the words are not anagrams.

Here's the Python code to check if a word is an anagram:

# Take input of two words from the user
word1 = input("Enter the first word: ").lower()
word2 = input("Enter the second word: ").lower()

# Remove spaces and punctuation
word1 = ''.join(char for char in word1 if char.isalnum())
word2 = ''.join(char for char in word2 if char.isalnum())

# Sort the characters in both words
sorted_word1 = sorted(word1)
sorted_word2 = sorted(word2)

# Compare the sorted words
if sorted_word1 == sorted_word2:
    print("The words are anagrams.")
    print("The words are not anagrams.")


In this code, we take input of two words from the user and convert them to lowercase. Then, we remove any spaces or punctuation from both words using list comprehension and the isalnum() method to keep only alphanumeric characters. Next, we sort the characters in both words using the sorted() function. Finally, we compare the sorted words and print the appropriate message indicating whether the words are anagrams or not.