
Python Strings

  • String in python is a sequential data type.
  • It is a sequence of characters.
  • String behaves in the same manner as the list does in python.
  • Strings are mutable datatype you can update, insert, delete string after defining it.
  • String in python is defined inside Quotes("Codersdaily").
  • Characters inside the string can be accessed by their index values.



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Python is a versatile programming language that comes with a wide range of built-in string methods. These methods can be used to manipulate, format, and process strings in various ways. Here are some of the most commonly used Python string methods along with examples:

  • capitalize(): This method returns a string with the first character capitalized and the rest of the characters in lowercase.
    string = "hello world"
    new_string = string.capitalize()
    print(new_string) # Output: "Hello world"
  • upper(): This method returns a string with all characters in uppercase.
    string = "hello world"
    new_string = string.upper()
    print(new_string) # Output: "HELLO WORLD"
  • lower(): This method returns a string with all characters in lowercase.
    string = "HELLO WORLD"
    new_string = string.lower()
    print(new_string) # Output: "hello world"


  • strip(): This method returns a string with leading and trailing whitespace removed.
    string = "    hello world    "
    new_string = string.strip()
    print(new_string) # Output: "hello world"


  • split(): This method splits a string into a list of substrings based on a specified delimiter.
    string = "apple,banana,orange"
    new_list = string.split(",")
    print(new_list) # Output: ["apple", "banana", "orange"]


  • join(): This method joins a list of strings into a single string using a specified delimiter.
    list_of_strings = ["apple", "banana", "orange"]
    new_string = ",".join(list_of_strings)
    print(new_string) # Output: "apple,banana,orange"


  • replace(): This method replaces all occurrences of a specified substring with another substring.
    string = "hello world"
    new_string = string.replace("world", "python")
    print(new_string) # Output: "hello python"


  • startswith(): This method returns True if a string starts with a specified substring, and False otherwise.
    string = "hello world"
    result = string.startswith("hello")
    print(result) # Output: True


  • endswith(): This method returns True if a string ends with a specified substring, and False otherwise.
    string = "hello world"
    result = string.endswith("world")
    print(result) # Output: True
  • find(): This method returns the index of the first occurrence of a specified substring in a string, or -1 if the substring is not found.
    string = "hello world"
    index = string.find("world")
    print(index) # Output: 6