
Square-Ten Tree| Tree


The square-ten tree decomposition of an array is defined as follows:

  • The lowest (0th) level of the square-ten tree consists of single array elements in their natural order.
  • The kth level (starting from 1) of the square-ten tree consists of subsequent array subsegments of length 102k-1 in their natural order. Thus, the 1st level contains subsegments of length 102, the  level contains subsegments of length , the  level contains subsegments of length , etc.

Given the borders of array subsegment [L,R], find its decomposition into a minimal number of nodes of a square-ten tree.

Input Format

The first line contains a single integer denoting L.
The second line contains a single integer denoting R.


The numbers in input do not contain leading zeroes.

Output Format

As soon as array indices are too large, you should find a sequence of m square-ten tree level numbers, , meaning that subsegment  belongs to the  level of the square-ten tree.

Print this sequence in the following compressed format:

  • On the first line, print the value of n(i.e., the compressed sequence block count).
  • For each of the n subsequent lines, print 2 space-separated integers, ti and ci (ti>=0,ci>=1), meaning that the number  appears consequently  times in sequence . Blocks should be listed in the order they appear in the sequence. In other words, s1, s2,….,sc1 should be equal to ,  should be equal to t2, etc.

Sample Input 0



Sample Output 0


1 1


def square_ten_tree_decomposition(L, R):

    level_sizes = []

    size = 1   

    # Determine all possible level sizes

    while size <= R - L + 1:


        size *= 10   

    # Initialize k to the last index of level_sizes

    k = len(level_sizes) - 1   

    segments = []

    while k >= 0:

        size = level_sizes[k]

        start = (L - 1) // size

        end = (R - 1) // size

        count = end - start + 1       

        if count > 0:

            segments.append((k, count))

            L += count * size

        k -= 1

    # Compress the output

    result = []

    if segments:

        prev_k, prev_count = segments[0]

        for i in range(1, len(segments)):

            current_k, current_count = segments[i]

            if current_k == prev_k:

                prev_count += current_count


                result.append((prev_count, prev_k))

                prev_k = current_k

                prev_count = current_count

        result.append((prev_count, prev_k))   

    # Output the result


    for count, level in result:

        print(count, level)

# Example usage

L = 1

R = 10

square_ten_tree_decomposition(L, R)


1.DFS for Subtree Sums: The DFS traversal calculates the sum of weights in each subtree efficiently.

2.Efficient Query Response: By precomputing the subtree sums, each query can be answered in constant time.

3.Edge Cases: Handle edge cases like single-node trees and ensuring correct indexing (1-based vs. 0-based).