


In C++, macros are preprocessor directives that allow you to define and perform text substitutions before the compilation process. They’re generally defined using the ‘#define’ preprocessor directive and can be used to create constants, simple functions, or tentative compilations. Macros are processed by the preprocessor, which runs before the actual compilation of the C++ code.

Then there is the introductory syntax to define a macro:



  • Simple Macro: Macros can be used to define constants or to perform simple text replacements.

double radius = 5.0;

double area = PI * SQUARE(radius);

The above illustration defines a constant ‘PI’ with the value ‘3.14159’ and a macro ‘SQUARE(x)’ that calculates the square of its argument x.

  • Conditional Compilation: Macros are frequently used for tentative compilation, where certain parts of the code are included or excluded based on conditions.




In this illustration, if ‘DEBUG_MODE’ is defined, the code within the ‘#ifdef’ and ‘#endif’ blocks will be included during compilation. Otherwise, it’ll be excluded.

  • Macro Function-Like Macros: Macros can also act like functions, taking arguments and returning values, though this can lead to unexpected behaviour if not used carefully.

int x = 10, y = 20;

int minValue = MIN(x, y);


Still, function-like macros have limitations and potential issues, such as multiple evaluations of arguments and unanticipated behaviour with complex expressions.

It’s important to use macros judiciously and with caution, as they can make code harder to read, maintain, and debug. In modern C++, it’s generally recommended to use constants (const or constexpr), inline functions, and templates instead of macros for most use cases. Using these language features provides type safety, improves code association, and avoids the implicit pitfalls of macros.