
Standard Template Library (STL):

Standard Template Library (STL):

The C++ Standard Template Library (STL) is an important collection of template classes and functions that provides common data structures (e.g., arrays, vectors, lists, maps) and algorithms (e.g., sorting, searching) for C++ programmers. The STL is a key feature of the C++ standard and is part of the C++ Standard Library.

The STL is designed to promote code reuse, modularity, and efficiency. It leverages the power of C++ templates to create general implementations that work with various data types. This allows developers to write generic algorithms that can operate on different container types without needing to write separate code for each container.

The main components of the STL are as follows:

  • Containers: The STL provides various container classes that store and manage collections of objects. Some generally used containers include:
  • ‘std::vector’: A dynamic array that resizes automatically.
  • ‘std::list’: A doubly linked list
  • ‘std::deque’: A double-ended queue
  • std::map or std::unordered_map are associative containers that store key-value pairs.
  • ‘std::set’ or ‘std::unordered_set’: Containers that store unique elements in sorted order.
  • Iterators: Iterators provide a uniform way to access elements in containers. They act as generalised pointers, allowing algorithms to work with different container types. Generally used iterators include:
  • begin(): which returns an iterator pointing to the first element.
  • end(): Return an iterator pointing one position past the last element.


Algorithms: The STL includes a wide range of general algorithms that operate on containers and perform common tasks such as sorting, searching, and transforming elements. Some generally used algorithms include

  • ‘std::sort’: Sorts elements in a container.
  • ‘std::find’: searches for an element in a container.
  • ‘std::accumulate’: computes the sum of elements in a container.


Function Objects (Functors): Function objects are classes that act like functions and can be used with STL algorithms to customise the behavior. They’re frequently used to define custom sorting criteria or transformations.

The STL is widely used in C++ development due to its effectiveness, versatility, and generic nature. It simplifies the implementation of common data structures and algorithms and promotes clean, maintainable, and efficient code. It’s an essential tool for modern C++ programming and is a standard feature provided by all major C++ compilers.