
Package Managers

Package Managers:

Package managers are software tools that help developers install, manage, and update software packages and dependencies for their projects. They automate the process of acquiring and configuring libraries, frameworks, and other components required by the software development process. Package managers play a crucial role in simplifying the installation and management of software packages, making it easier to set up development environments, and ensuring consistent dependencies across different projects.

In the context of C++ development, there are several package managers available.

  • vcpkg: vcpkg is a popular cross-platform package manager for C++ developed by Microsoft. It allows developers to easily install and manage C++ libraries on a variety of platforms, including Windows, macOS, and Linux. Vcpkg simplifies the process of acquiring and integrating external libraries into C++ projects.

./vcpkg install boost:x64-windows

  • Conan: Conan is a C++ package manager that supports both double and source package distribution. It allows developers to manage dependencies and create packages for their C++ projects. Conan is extensively used in the C++ community and provides integration with other build systems like CMake.

conan install poco/1.9.4@

  • Hunter: Hunter is another C++ package manager designed for cross-platform projects. It focuses on simplifying the process of fetching and integrating external libraries into CMake-based projects.
  • Biicode: Biicode is a C/C++ dependency manager that allows developers to include dependencies directly in their code using #include statements. It offers a simple way to manage dependencies and versioning.
  • CMake’s FetchContent: CMake, a popular build system, has introduced the FetchContent module, which provides a built-in way to download, configure, and build external libraries as part of the CMake project.

Each package manager has its own set of features, integrations, and community support. The choice of a package manager depends on factors such as the project’s requirements, ease of use, platform support, and integration with existing build systems.

Using package managers in C++ development helps streamline the setup and management of project dependencies, reduces the chances of dependency conflicts, and makes the development process more efficient and reliable. Also, it enables developers to fluently share their projects by specifying the required dependencies in a standardised and automated way.