
Structuring Codebase

Structuring Codebase

Structuring the codebase in C++ is essential for creating justifiable, organized, and scalable projects. A well-structured codebase helps improve code readability, collaboration among inventors, and the ease of maintaining and extending the project. Then there is a brief explanation of how to structure a C++ codebase, along with some code examples.

  • Header Files and Source Files:C++ code is generally split into header files (‘.h’ or ‘.hpp’) and source files (‘.cpp’).

Header files contain function prototypes, class declarations, constants, and other declarations that need to be shared across multiple files.

The source files implement the functions and classes defined in the header files.

  • Rectangle.h(Header file):


class Rectangle {


    double length;

    double width;


    Rectangle(double len, double wid);

    double calculateArea();

    double calculatePerimeter();




  • Rectangle.cpp(Source File):
#include "Rectangle.h"

Rectangle::Rectangle(double len, double wid) {

    length = len;

    width = wid;


double Rectangle::calculateArea() {

    return length * width;


double Rectangle::calculatePerimeter() {

    return 2 * (length + width);



  • Main.cpp(Source file):
#include <iostream>

#include "Rectangle.h"

int main() {

    Rectangle rectangle(5.0, 3.0);

    std::cout << "Rectangle Area: " << rectangle.calculateArea() << std::endl;

    std::cout << "Rectangle Perimeter: " << rectangle.calculatePerimeter() << std::endl;

    return 0;



  • Namespace:A namespace is C++ is a feature that allows you to group related declarations (such as classes, functions, and variables) together to avoid naming conflicts and to organize your code.

Namespaces help you create a logical hierarchy within your codebase, making it easier to manage and maintain.


#include <iostream>

namespace MyNamespace {

    int myFunction(int x, int y) {

        return x + y;



int main() {

    int result = MyNamespace::myFunction(5, 3);

    std::cout << "Result: " << result << std::endl;

    return 0;



  • Directory Structure:Organize your files into logical directories based on their functionalities or modules.For illustration, you can have directories for “utils,” “models,” “views,” etc., and place related files in their separate directories.This helps in locating and managing files more efficiently.


  • Class Organization:Keep related data and functions together within a class.Use access specifiers( public, private, or protected) to control the visibility of class members.Encapsulate data within private members and provide public methods for accessing and modifying the data.


  • Use Forward Declarations:Use forward declarations rather than gratuitous headers to reduce compile times and dependencies when possible.


  • Student.h(Header file for the Student class):


#include <string>

class Course; 

class Student {


    std::string name;

    int age;

    Course* enrolledCourse;


    Student(const std::string& n, int a);

    void enrollInCourse(Course* course);

    void displayInfo();




  • Course.h(Header file for the Course class):


#include <string>

class Student; 

class Course {


    std::string courseName;

    int courseCode;

    Student* enrolledStudents[50];

    int studentCount;


    Course(const std::string& name, int code);

    void enrollStudent(Student* student);

    void displayInfo();




  • Student.cpp(Source file for the Student class):
#include "Student.h"

#include "Course.h" 

Student::Student(const std::string& n, int a) : name(n), age(a), enrolledCourse(nullptr) {}

void Student::enrollInCourse(Course* course) {

    enrolledCourse = course;



void Student::displayInfo() {

    std::cout << "Student Name: " << name << ", Age: " << age << std::endl;

    if (enrolledCourse) {

        std::cout << "Enrolled in Course: " << enrolledCourse->getCourseName() << std::endl;




  • Course.cpp(Source file for the Course class):
#include "Course.h"

#include "Student.h"

Course::Course(const std::string& name, int code) : courseName(name), courseCode(code), studentCount(0) {}

void Course::enrollStudent(Student* student) {

    if (studentCount < 50) {

        enrolledStudents[studentCount++] = student;



void Course::displayInfo() {

    std::cout << "Course Name: " << courseName << ", Course Code: " << courseCode << std::endl;

    std::cout << "Enrolled Students: " << std::endl;

    for (int i = 0; i < studentCount; ++i) {

        std::cout << "- " << enrolledStudents[i]->getName() << std::endl;



std::string Course::getCourseName() {

    return courseName;



  • Main.cpp(Source file to use the classes):
#include <iostream>

#include "Student.h"

#include "Course.h"

int main() {

    Student student1("Alice", 20);

    Student student2("Bob", 21);

    Course course("Introduction to Programming", 101);




    return 0;



  • Consistent Naming Conventions:Use consistent and descriptive names for variables, functions, classes, and other entities to make the code more readable and accessible.
  • Comments and Documentation:Add comments to explain complex algorithms, code logic, or any tricky parts of the code.Provide Doxygen-style documentation for functions and classes to induce documentation automatically.

Remember, codebase structure may vary based on the project’s complexity and specific conditions. Consistency and clarity are crucial, so choose a structure that makes sense for your project and stick to it throughout the development process.