


Idioms play an important role in verbal ability as they are expressions or phrases that carry a figurative meaning different from their literal interpretation. Understanding idioms is crucial for effective communication and comprehension in the English language. 


  • 1. "Break a leg": 
  • This idiom is often used to wish someone good luck, especially before a performance or an important event.
  • 2. "Piece of cake": 
  • This idiom means that something is very easy or effortless to accomplish.
  • 3. "Hit the nail on the head": 
  • This idiom means to precisely identify or express something accurately.
  • 4. "Kill two birds with one stone": 
  • This idiom means to accomplish two things at the same time with a single action.
  • 5. "Break the ice": 
  • This idiom refers to initiating or starting a conversation or social interaction to relieve tension or awkwardness.
  • 6. "In hot water": 
  • This idiom means to be in trouble or facing difficulties.
  • 7. "Keep an eye on the ball": 
  • This idiom advises staying focused and attentive to the task at hand.

Understanding idioms and their usage can greatly enhance your verbal ability and comprehension skills. It's important to familiarise yourself with commonly used idioms and their meanings to improve your overall proficiency in English communication.