


Phrases are an essential component of verbal ability, as they are groups of words that convey a specific meaning. Understanding phrases and their usage can enhance your language skills. 

Here are some examples of phrases:

  1. "A piece of cake": This phrase means that something is very easy or simple to do.
  2. "Barking up the wrong tree": This phrase is used when someone is pursuing the wrong course of action or accusing the wrong person.
  3. "Cost a fortune": This phrase indicates that something is very expensive or costs a significant amount of money.
  4. "Cut to the chase": This phrase means to get to the main point or essential information without wasting time on unnecessary details.
  5. "On the same page": This phrase is used when people have a shared understanding or agreement about a particular topic or issue.
  6. "Under the weather": This phrase is used to describe feeling unwell or not in good health.
  7. "Get the ball rolling": This phrase means to initiate or start something, often in the context of a project or plan.
  8. "Make a long story short": This phrase is used to summarise or provide a concise version of a lengthy or detailed account.
  9. "Once in a blue moon": This phrase means that something occurs very rarely or infrequently.
  10. "Take with a grain of salt": This phrase advises being sceptical or not fully believing something that is being said.

Understanding and incorporating phrases into your language skills can improve your verbal communication and comprehension abilities. It's beneficial to familiarise yourself with commonly used phrases and their meanings to enhance your overall fluency in English.