
Sentence Completion

           Sentence Completion

It is a type of question in verbal ability tests where you are given an incomplete sentence and need to select the most appropriate word or phrase to complete it.

In verbal ability, it is a common type of question that tests your understanding of grammar, vocabulary, and context.

Types of Sentence Completion:

i. Single-word completion: In this type, you are given an incomplete sentence with a blank space, and you have to select the most appropriate word to fill in the blank. The word should complete the sentence in terms of meaning and grammar.


           1. The little girl had a ___________ smile on her face. 

Options: radiant, somber, mischievous, shy

           2. The sunset painted the sky in vibrant ___________. 

Options: hues, shades, tones, colors

           3. The magician performed an ___________ trick that left the audience in awe. 

Options: astonishing, ordinary, unremarkable, mundane


ii. Phrase or idiom completion: These questions require you to choose the correct phrase or idiom to fill in the blank. You need to have a good understanding of idiomatic expressions and their usage.


           1. Don't count your chickens before they ___________. 

Options: hatch, lay eggs, fly away, roost

           2. It's time to face the ___________ and deal with the consequences. 

Options: music, facts, challenges, results

iii. Grammar-based completion: These questions focus on testing your knowledge of grammar rules and usage. You need to select the option that corrects the sentence grammatically.


           1. I have ___________ this book before. 

Options: read, reads, reading, have read

           2. The children ___________ their homework when the phone rang. 

Options: were doing, did, had done, do

iv. Logical completion: These questions require you to use your reasoning skills to choose the option that logically completes the sentence and maintains coherence.


           1. All mammals have fur or ___________. 

Options: hair, feathers, scales, fins

           2. If it rains, we will ___________ the picnic. 

Options: cancel, proceed, postpone, enjoy

           3. In a marathon, the winner is the one who ___________. 

Options: crosses the finish line first, starts last, runs the slowest, gives up

v. Contextual completion: These questions assess your ability to understand the meaning of a sentence in a given context. You must choose the option that best fits the overall meaning of the passage.


           1. Despite facing numerous challenges, she remained ___________ throughout the process. 

Options: resilient, defeated, fragile, stagnant

           2. The company's innovative strategies helped them gain a ___________ over their competitors. 

Options: advantage, setback, dilemma, predicament

           3. The politician's controversial statement sparked a ___________ among the public. 

Options: backlash, consensus, harmony, acquiescence