

The Power BI embedded allows you to embed Power BI items such as reports, dashboards & tiles into web applications or websites. You can use the most recent Power BI capabilities, including dashboards, gateways, and app workspaces, when you embed the material. Utilize Power BI and give it your own name to quickly and simply create outstanding customer-facing reports, dashboards, and analytics in your own apps. 

You can also use Secure embed which is a simple way to embed a report into a portal that takes a URL or iFrame. The right Power BI license must be used by the report viewer. The report can be interacted with, but it cannot be edited, saved, or altered in any way by the viewer. The Power BI service offers a secure embedding. For more Secure embed details click here.

Over secure embed, Power BI embedded analytics offers you more advantages. It provides a comprehensive, integrated user experience with complete API compatibility, automated authentication, and the ability to host reports in both apps and web pages. With embedded analytics, you can fully control Power BI features and intelligent analytics while automating the monitoring, maintenance, and deployment of analytics.

There are two ways to embed Power BI content:

  • Embed for users and customers.
  • Embed for an Organization. 

 Embed for Users and Customers

You can create a Power BI-compatible app that uses non-interactive authentication by using the embed for your customer's solution. Your clients are probably external users who can read the embedded content without having to login in with their Power BI credentials. Independent software providers (ISVs) who create apps for clients frequently employ this solution.

A Power BI Embedded ISV, its developers, and its clients can all profit from it. For instance, Power BI Desktop allows an ISV to start producing the graphics for no cost. ISVs obtain a quicker time to market and differentiated data experiences that set them apart from the competition by reducing the visual analytic development efforts. Additionally, ISVs have the option to charge more for the extra value they bring through integrated analytics.

Your customers do not need to be familiar with Power BI in order to use Power BI Embedded. To create an embedded application, you have two options:

  • Power BI Pro account
  • Service principle 

April 2018 – Data Savvy

Embed for an Organization

This embed is used by users of a large Organization for purpose of internal affairs. This will allow you to build an app that only signed-in users of an Organization using Power BI credentials can access. Users that are logged in can only access and view embedded information on the Power BI service.

Quick Difference between Power BI embedding for your customers & users and embedding for Organization

Embed for users & customers Embed for Organization
In this, the app owns data. In this, the organization's users own the data.
For external users. For internal users.
Doesn't require a Power BI license. It requires a Power BI license.
Non-interactive authentication. Interactive authentication.